Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are trained members of the laity that are called upon to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. This ministry requires training and commissioning by the Diocese of Cleveland.
We are in great need of Eucharistic Ministers at some of our Masses. If you feel like you have a calling to engage in this very special ministry of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to your fellow parishioners, please contact us to talk about how you could help. Attendance at a diocesan training class is mandatory.
If you are already a certified Eucharistic Minister and would be willing to serve more frequently, please contact our coordinator, Chris Loy at jwlcll@msn.com to let her know. Thank you!
St. Mary of the Falls is very blessed to have Eucharistic Ministers that take Communion to the four Care Centers in the community of Olmsted Falls and to the people from our Parish that are Homebound. Well over 100 people receive Jesus in the Eucharist every week because of their commitment to Minister to the Sick. They are truly an inspiration for our faith.
I am praying that new people will step forward to be part of this Ministry. If you are a Eucharistic Minister or you are willing to become a Eucharistic Minister and would like to take communion to the sick in their homes or in the Care Centers, please call Judy Stasenko at 440-235-2222 for more information. Thank you for your consideration!
Chris Loy
Eucharistic Minister Coordinator
Judy Stasenko
Eucharist to the Homebound